Supporting Mobility & Spouse Employment

Local Partners

Our most important Local Partners are the associations and groups of spouses and partners of UN System staff members.

Some of the groups have organised themselves as Local Expatriate Spouse Associations (LESAs) formalised with by-laws, elected committee members, a formal annual assembly meeting - other groups prefer to remain an informal network.

Formal and informal networks of spouses and partners get together to:

  • exchange personal experience of living in specific duty station;
  • support each other to strengthen contacts with UN Agencies as a potential employers;
  • build friendships, also for their children and family members;
  • organise learning events for spouses and partners;
  • develop a strategy to obtain work permits in the country;
  • share information on how creating small businesses;
  • share experience in pursuing studies ( e.g. on-line university).

Montreal LESA planning meeting

Registration Day for Montreal LESA

© 2013 United Nations Global Mobility Programme